Monday, 18 June 2012

To Trim or Not To Trim

As a young'n for some absurd reason my father let me regularly cut his hair. I was an unqualified 8 year old (unpaid) barber for my dad's beautiful curly locks. 
Not only does my father have these delicious large curls, but a little south he has unruly massive big banger brows. Those wee puppies have a mind of their own and fly off in all directions.
Armed with a pair of scissors snipping away at the locks I once went to tackle the brows and give them a wee trim.

Now my father has a gentle soul. When I was 14 my friend & I drove his (stolen...or "borrowed without permission"...opps) truck through a butchery shop. Yep in the front door, through the counter, through the freezer and out the back door...there was meat and sausages everywhere...opps. We even made the front page of the newspaper. He wasn't very happy with me. The point however is he never told me off. He never raised his voice. I didn't get grounded. Nothing. Even when he went back to the butchery every day for the following two weeks to rebuild the butchery, he still didn't tell me off.
All I got...I say "all" when actually it was worse than any 'tell off' was "The Look". 
Do you know what 'look' I mean?
Yes that one which say's 'I am more disappointed with you than words could ever communicate.
I haven't actually received 'The Look" very many times...actually I'm lying...I got it regularly throughout my teenage years. But those are different tales to tell.

Anyway! The reason for the above little detour is I just wanted to give you an idea that my father is most certainly not the 'tell off' type of father. 

Back to cutting his hair & trimming his brows.
I leaned inwards armed with the scissors to snip away at the brows and was rather suddenly yelled at; "don't go near my bloody brows Rat!" (He calls me Rat...that is normal isn't it?). "You DON'T trim eyebrows Rat. Not ever."

And that little datum of 'not ever do you trim' has stuck with me for years.
I have never really looked at this data and evaluated it to see if it was truth or not. Dad said it, so it was true. That was enough for me.

But since opening Play Brow Bar where brows are all I eat & breathe daily, I've had to re-evaluated this datum I'm so dearly holding onto.

Ok lets look at it...
1. This is a datum that comes from a man who got eye LASH & eye BROW extensions mixed up thinking they were the same thing (beats me what brow extensions are??)
2. This is a datum that comes from a man who wore the following;

Hmmmmmmm I think I'lll just stop there now.
Maybe he is not the most reliable source of information & the beauty expert that I believed him to be.

With a little help from my own expert observation & knowledge on the subject of brows and also the ole chap Mr. Google, I have come to find out the following to be true.

1. Trimming your eyebrow hairs will not encourage your hair to grow back more or faster. This is simply because you are trimming the hair particle from the outside, not from the actual follicle below your skin. All the genetic information about length, thickness and color of the hair is in the root. Trimming will leave the root intact.

2. Trimming aids to define and create the 'perfect brow' shape.

3. Trimming your brows may make them look a little fuller, for you are cutting the hair to a blunt end.

So the verdict is...don't believe old men with stray fly away hairs that you must never trim.

Trim away kids. 
I'll write soon on "how to trim".

Peace out!

Jessica xXx